Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Beijing's Summer Storms
It took me more than 500 frames to capture this one bolt of lightning - my very first, at last! With the naked eye one can see plenty of lightning, but getting it on camera is another story. Storms these days and nights are a frequent occurrence, and one might think - and hope -that afterward there would be fresher, cleaner air with plenty of sunshine. Sadly, these past few weeks, even the worst storms with heavy winds and rains, there appears to be no easy (man-made) fix to the notorious Beijing smog.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chaoyang Park Pool
Seemingly a hot day, but without any discernible sun due to the clouds - dare I say smog - it was a pleasant afternoon at this 50m outdoor pool. 90% of the people were just splashing about, even in the lanes designated for laps. The 18RMB (roughly C$2.50) price for 2 hours of swim time also included the admission charge to this rather large, lush park.
No helmets! Yay?
Note: I was on a similar bendy-bus when taking this shot.
Motorcycles with sidecars are all the rage with expats in Beijing. You'd be hard-pressed not to see at least one while out the streets in the embassy district of Sanlitun, night or day. Helmets are optional for drivers and their passengers. Of the 74,000 road deaths in China last year, one wonders how many of those needlessly died young.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sun setting on a blue-sky day
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
This gets me back to blogging...
Sad news for all but the elite CPC members and the wealthy ones here who don't have to bother with the rules ordinary citizens have to endure.
Then there are folks like me who can just find a VPN to get around it all.
But seriously, it's time to study Mandarin in a better place than this.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Stormy day
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Backdoor ajar
Small joy that I've found a free service that opens the door closed to the Blogspot/Blogger domain by the authorities here in Mainland China. For a nominal fee I could subscribe to a proxy/VPN which would open up the door completely, allowing me to post photos & videos of my goings on here on sites such as YouTube & Blogger. For now (but, for how long?) Facebook will have to suffice. A host of other websites are also blocked - some again, some for the first time. provides a reporting service on sites blocked around the world, though is itself blocked from time to time in China. Country report figures change frequently, but China regularly wins top prize for number of inaccessible sites.
While this strategy of blacklisting & blocking 'objectionable' content may seemingly be in the 'best' interest of the ruling elite, its ultimate effect is the dumbing down of the increasingly educated masses. The cat and mouse game of bypassing China's NetNanny, aka the Great Fire Wall (GFW), may not appeal to many, but it will make for smarter hackers and rouse the curiosity of true thinkers. Great social injustice is being served up either in the name of keeping competition out (YouTube vs. Youku) or in the endeavour to close minds up (T-words).
I've had to remove more than half of my Google Reader subscriptions because they are from the Blogspot domain. In a previous crackdown on Blogspot, Google Reader subscriptions were still viewable. This time Google Reader froze up until I removed all Blogspot subscriptions. I saved all those 'offending' blogs, by exporting my subscriptions to an OPML file, in anticipation of being free to view them again somewhere, someday.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Somwhere in between all this...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Firecrackers, fireworks, fire!
How silly is that for "online" media?
Moreover, these outlets are suggesting that 'netizens' are demanding fireworks be banned in Beijing next year. Is that because CCTV can not afford another RMB1-million show or because it can not afford to burn down more buildings?
What would really suck is if fireworks for ordinary citizens were banned because of the negligent use of Class-A fireworks by CCTV.